Our Masonic Fraternity has its humble beginning on August 30, 1930. A group of Brethren under the leadership of Jesse D. Williams held regular communication on Eastern Avenue, in the East End of Cincinnati, over a church, which has now been destroyed. As the lodge grew in number, the original site was not adequate to accommodate its rapid growth. In 1944, it was deemed necessary to move to new quarters located at Court and John Streets in the old West End. In 1945, at the suggestion of a majority of the Craft, Elisha Lodge transplanted itself again. This time the meeting place was in the basement of Mount Zion Church, located in Walnut Hills at Walter and Altoona Streets.
In 1945, Delphi Lodge, prospering financially, comparatively speaking, working under dispensation, petitioned the Grand Lodge of the State of Ohio for a Charter. Not wishing to overload the First Masonic District with Lodges, the Grand Lodge suggested that Delphi Lodge merge with Elisha Lodge No. 106, which was already chartered. Elisha Lodge was chosen because it was the youngest Lodge in terms of years. From this merger has emerged one of the finest Lodges in the State. Through young, aggressive, and dedicated Masters, Elisha Lodge has moved onward and upward. From Mount Zion Church, Elisha moved to the Y.M.C.A. located on Melrose Avenue in Walnut Hills. In 1962, the Y.M.C.A. was reconstructed. Thus, the Lodge meetings were moved by majority vote of the Craft, to 817 Windham Avenue. Elisha Lodge met there on the first and third Saturdays, January 6, 1992
In 1989, a Special Investment Committee was formed under the Administration of Worshipful Master Michael Frye. This special committee was carried over into the next Administration of Worshipful Master Don Maurice Stovall. The investment Committee's duty was to raise funds for the Lodge through a series of investments.
In November 1990, Past Master John Nolan brought to the attention of the Investment Committee, an investment property located at 6110 Hamilton Avenue as a possible site for a Lodge Hall. Under the leadership of Worshipful Master Michael Vinegar, the "6110 Project Committee" was formed consisting of thirteen Brothers from Elisha, for the express purpose of purchasing the building.
In January 1991, an offer was tendered to purchase the building. On the May 13, 1991, the deal was closed. In the tradition of our humble beginning that August 30, 1930, Elisha was again at that threshold.
Webster Dictionary defines threshold as a point of place of entering or beginning. The Administration of Worshipful Master Robert B. Lane entered and began its office in their new home, at 6110 Hamilton Avenue. This was a threshold because it was the beginning of the first time in the history of Elisha Lodge No. 106 that the Lodge had the obligation and responsibility of a building.
We continue to share the joy of our new beginning and the hope and prosperity it brings. We enjoyed our new home and the luxury we have so long sought, but we must forever be mindful that nothing comes easy and you don't get something for nothing. You have made your wishes known. You have empowered a committee to raise funds for the Lodge through a series of investments and they came back with a building.
Since that time, our membership decreased in average age with new blood that has produced "Master Masons of the Year", "Worshipful Master of the Year", "Deputy of the Year" and "Lodge of the Year". We have formed an alliance with a Lodge in St. Louis, Mo., Claude F. Wise Lodge No. 171. Whereby reciprocating visits have and will be made between the two cities. We are a proud group that will continue to grow in Masonry along with all our brothers in the 1st Masonic District and the entire Prince Hall Masonic Family worldwide.
During the 90s the building company did an excellent job with investment properties, that significantly reduced the mortgage loans on 6110 Hamilton Ave. Unfortunately, in the new millennium those investments ceased to exist and the subsequent loss of the first floor tenants caused a financial hardship and the building was sold in 2009. Elisha Lodge moved to a temporary location, the Springfield Township Senior Center, and then on to 1647 Clayton Street (owned by Shriners, Sinai Temple No. 59) in 2010. As of 2019, our current meeting location is 1647 Clayton Street, Cincinnati OH.
Kelvin Davis
In 2011, Past Master Kelvin J. Davis was elected Right Worshipful Junior Grand Warden - RWJGW, of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Ohio. In 2013, Past Master Davis was elected RW Senior Grand Warden. In 2015, Past Master Davis was elected RW Deputy Grand Master. In the year 2017, Past Master Davis became our first MW Grand Master from Elisha Lodge 106. Serving from 2017-2019.
NAME | Year Raised | Total Years |
Fred Baldwin | 12/15/1955 | 68 |
Leroy Carroll | 11/19/1960 | 63 |
James Jennings | 05/19/1963 | 60 |
Sam Jackson | 12/20/1965 | 58 |
Ollie Scott | 06/01/1970 | 53 |
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